Monday, November 19, 2012

Blood Red

Black pen, acrylic paint and a creative angst. This is the product of a couple relationships coming to an end all in, and around a one day period. I had bought these thank you notes at Michael's art wonderland a few weeks prior for the purpose of, well writing thank you notes at some point for my last birthday. They had yellow birds on them, and I couldn't escape their awkward allure. Anyways, as I sat at my desk lost in work from the previous weeks shoots (three full production music videos) I pulled open a drawer and began to draw. This wasn't a new concept piece for me, as I had sketched the same thing for, fittingly, a similar occasion although at that point the center was a different text. I work strictly from my heart, as terribly gooey as that sounds. If my work doesn't strike my own chest I can't expect it to even warm anyone else's, and if it doesn't then I still have it for myself to believe in. It's also become a habit of mine to create a piece on any surface most convenient at the moment of inception, like this card stock for example.

Title: blood red. 
