This image recently crawled into my mind (in a Trader Joe's parking lot..). Right now I call it Ambidextrous. I never considered myself a physical artist until my first drawing class last year, where I learned the basic principles but more importantly a technique called blind contour and it has consumed me ever since. Blind contour drawing is the act of looking at your subject and drawing from reality, whilst not looking at your paper (or at least too frequently). For myself I have always drawn inspiration through hands, as they're among my favorite physical attributes human beings possess. I had also imagined this piece representing a time for change, as we had created with our hands in the past, creating a binding code for the sketch.
As for the medium, it is black ink and paint on paper; also two mid-sized paperclips on the back hand (pun intended) side. I've had a few drawings that I may not have liked when adding onto a particular section, so I would cut the unwanted out and draw what I intended originally on another piece of paper, cut it out, and assemble onto the original work. It may sound "improper" This process is actually important to me, because It breaks the traditional expectation of creating something seamless.